Rinne Lewy Body Dementia Initiative

We support people with LBD, educate professionals & build awareness in Michigan.

Lewy Body Dementia Group with Paulson

Learn more about Lewy Body Dementia (LBD).

Support Groups

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Rinne Lewy Body Initiative Introduction

Retired University of Michigan professor Carl Rinne lived a full life with his wife Tamara Real until he began to experience symptoms that did not make sense.

As is typical with Lewy body dementia, Tamara and Carl saw multiple doctors in various specialties before receiving the diagnosis of Lewy body dementia. Tamara resolved that others should not face the same uncertainty about a disease that often goes unrecognized.

To honor her husband and to help others in Michigan who face a future with Lewy body dementia, Tamara established the Rinne Lewy Body Dementia Initiative, which is administered by the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Center at the University of Michigan.

Activities of the Rinne Lewy Body Dementia Initiative:

  • Support care partners
  • Support people with an early Lewy body dementia diagnosis
  • Educate healthcare professionals
  • Build public awareness of Lewy body dementia in Michigan

Renee Gadwa shares more about Lewy body dementia and the activities of the Rinne Lewy Body Dementia Initiative.